
EbolaID provides a complete, quality checked and regularly updated list of oligonucleotides for the Ebola virus.
SeagrassTraitDB logo
SeagrassTraitDB is a global data base of curated seagrass traits. It integrates world-wide seagrass trait data in one consistent format.
PHENO logo
PHENO is an implementation of the BrAPI and aims to provide access to plant phenotypic datasets, with a major focus on the woody plant domain.
Yeastract logo
YEASTRACT is a curated repository of approximately 175.000 regulatory associations between transcription factors (TF) and target genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
CorkOakDB aims to integrate the knowledge generated from fundamental and applied studies about Quercus suber, with a focus on genetics.
DMPortal logo
DMPortugal is an instance of Dataverse and arises from the need to assure that research data is publish in a FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) manner.